When working on a project it is often interesting to include only project-related classes to sequence diagrams. This can be accomplished with the 'add=<regex>' parameter, which defines the classes and methods that should be traced for inclusion into the resulting sequence diagram. The <regexp> is a simplified regular expression that must either be an exact match or begin / end with an asterix (*). For example foo.Foo, *.Foo, or bar.*. Multiple omit patterns are separated by a comma (,).
Given the class net.sf.jsequnit.example.SequenceSample containing a method includeMethodsInDiagram that calls methods of the following classes:
where the JavaDoc of the method contains a sequence diagram tag with the following trace parameter:
@sequence.diagram test=net.sf.jsequnit.example.SequenceSampleTest#testIncludeMethodsInDiagram() add=net.sf.jsequnit.example.SequenceSample
we get a sequence diagram containing methods calledByFoo and calledByBar of the class net.sf.jsequnit.example.SequenceSample, but without method calls to callBack of classes net.sf.jsequnit.example.foo.Foo and net.sf.jsequnit.example.bar.Bar.